Yes, I just quoted myself in a blogpost title. But that is not what I want to talk about this time, I really need to talk to you all about Benjamin Alire Saenz, because, how can I not???
It was August, two years ago when I read ''Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe'' A book that immediately stole my heart and became one of my favorite books ever. It was not only the story about two young boys falling in love when being gay was still a big thing that made me feel so much love for this book, no, it was Benjamin. Benjamin is a poet in orgin and that is what makes him so uniquely himself. His writing is like a stream that takes you with it when you start to read and I feel like this way of writing can make you love any book because normal actions get a different vibe, a different feeling to it.
Now, two years later I am in the middle of reading ''The inexplicable logic of my life'', also by Benjamin Alire Saenz. and this is when I realised how much I love him as a writer and how I need more of his words to feed my reading habit. In this book we follow Salvador, who goes through life knowing exactly who he is until he starts to change and show different behaviour he never thought he had in him. He doubts himself just then, because, what if this behaviour is the result of his biological father, a man he never knew? And if he is not who he thought he was? who is salvador? The story has so many aspects but to be honest there isn't much happening outside of salvador's questions, and still somehow this book leaves me wanting more. That is the power of who Benjamin Alire Saenz is and how he writes, and I think that is something every reader should experience because it's amazing.
Since I have not finished the book yet, I will write a review when I have which might even be this sunday who knows? Also I ordered another one of Benjamin's books called ''Last night I sang to the monster'' which sounds like a really impressive story about a young alcoholic. This book is not very famous so you should all stay tuned for my thoughts on it and try it out yourselves! If you want to share your thoughts you can always contact me via instagram DM or my e-mail through the contact page on the site. Since this is a short blogpost I will update again very soon!
All the love,