Hii everyone!
Today i'm reviewing finding audrey. . This is a story about audrey who has anxiety and did not come out of her house in a long time, she makes a video diary of her life as an excercise her therapist gave her. The reason of her anxiety has not been told in the book but there is mentioned that something happened at her school with a group of girls who all stood up against her as bullies. . She meets a friend of her brother who dares her in many ways. He pushes her to speak, to go outside, to do things she has not been able to do in a long time. The story is basically just about how audrey will get past her huge anxiety. . I loved the idea of this book, but do not think it actually turned out as a great book. I had high expectations so was kind of disapointed about it. Half of the book is more about audreys brother who is addicted to a video game and her mom whining about that than about audrey. This did bring in really funny moments but it wasn't really a memorable story. . The other half of the book did focus on audrey more, i really liked her character and how linus (her brothers best friend, later her boyfriend) pushes her a lot. Also the story did open up my eyes on how anxiety must be like but i think the story could have been worked out better. The storyline has lots and lots of potential and i love the idea of it, but i found the book a but basic and think it would have been way better if it were a more detailed longer book than it is. . what i must say is that i did really like the last 20 to 30 pages and how her recovery is portrait but i think the book should have been focussed more on her ilness like the last pages do. I don't think i would recomend this book, though it could have been great.
. Finding audrey was written by Sophie Kinsella and ,if you do want to check it out , it can be bought in store for €8,99 . All the love, ~E💛