December: my birthmonth, the month of christmas, new year and a dutch holiday called sinterklaas and as always a month in which i can't keep myself from buying a book in my favorite english bookstore. all of these days are days on which you recieve gifts. to me, that means books, lots of books. every year i make sure to have a stack of them on my to be read pile to start a new year with and ofcourse, i have one waiting on a special shelve right at this moment.
At the 15th, i turned 16. so family came over, i had a crazy christmas sweater party with friends and i got presents. as you would expect i went to the bookstore and got some great books from the birthday money i had left. one of them was, ofcourse, a collen hoover novel and if you know me and my blog you know i am a huge colleen hoover fan. it was confess that i got. i'm 3/4 through it now and i won't spoil anything for you but it's colleen so ofcourse i really do love it. i also got orbiting jupiter, which i finnished some weeks ago and which was totally different than expected but still amazing.. and Moxie, which i heard a lot of good things about but doesn't really have a really pretty cover in my opinion :(
later that month i went to my favorite bookstore on my way home from a really fun game of bowling. and oh god, i found the inexplicable logic of my life which is a book i've wanted for a long time but hadn't bought cause they only had it in hardcover online and i am addicted to paperbacks. I've read aristotle and dante before and that book was so good, if this one is nearly as good like i hope it will be, that'd be great.
and then my favorite holiday came along: christmas. i love the cosy and warm feeling christmas brings along and i love to be with my family and unwrap gifts and have fun. my parents gave me two books. one of them is letters to the lost, a book i've wanted to read for a long time and can't wait to start on. the other is the bestselling book ''all the light we cannot see'' a book set in the second worldwar that i will read together with my mom, who got the dutch version for herself. i must say i find the idea of reading a book together so cute! it's like a little two person bookclub :) if you would like me to do that with readers let me know and i will definetely consider it.
So those are the books i will start off this year with and ofcourse, will review. if you have read them, don't hesitate to start a conversation in the brand new forum i added on the website!